Coming ahead is a week you have been waiting for, well its almost here!
Each day students can wear something different that is not allowed by normal dress-code rules. Be sure to take advantage of this fun and rule bending opportunity.  In past years we have had competitions between students for who had the craziest crazy hair or pants, socks, or whatever the daily theme was. Come prepared to amaze your friends and win!

Monday is Crazy Pants.  You can break normal dress-code rules and wear something different or multicolored, but please do not wear pajama pants or sweatpants, and nothing with holes in them.

Tuesday is for the tropics. Pick your best tropical, or Hawaiian shirt and wear that instead of a polo.

Wednesday you should wear a crazy tie.  Maybe not just one, but wear many!  Show off how stylish you are, or show off how crazy you are.

Thursday is a big day. You still have to wear a polo, but it can be any polo you want! Different colors is fine, stripes, polka dots, designed, printed, anything goes. You can even design your own polo!  Our ever famous spirit assembly is at the end of the school day and will get out at 2:45.  Immediately after that is the school dance in the gym. The dance will last an hour, will cost $2 (unless you have a free admission card) and you will need you school issued ID card.

Friday is the end of our spirit week, but ends with a bang.  This is everyone's favorite crazy hair day! Do something fantastic with your hair- whether its long or short, dark or light. Spike it, color it, make weird braids or designs or wrap it in weird ways. For those of you getting creative with hair dyes- you need to have normal hair by Monday again. It should wash out in 2-4 washes.

Kimerly Biesinger
3/11/2013 12:56:50 pm

I am so excited to be able to bend the dress code rules a little!

3/12/2013 07:21:11 am

Yay! As a seventh grader I LOVE this school! Now we're breaking the dress code in a FUNTASTIC way!!!!


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